Titanium Dioxide (INS 171) has been removed from GSO 2500:2022

Date of Publishing: 02/03/2023 | Affected Regions:  GCC

GCC Standard: GSO 2500:2022/Amd 1:2023 'Additives Permitted for Use in Food Stuffs'

The GSO has published an amendment to the technical regulation GSO 2500:2022 'Additives Permitted for Use in Food Stuffs'. The amendment announces the deletion of the additive Titanium Dioxide (INS 171) wherever it is mentioned in the regulation. The amendment includes changes to the maximum levels of certain food additives and the addition of new ones.

It's worth noting that the GCC countries have harmonized their food regulations to ensure the safety and quality of food products across the region. GSO 2500:2022 is one of the many GCC standards related to food and food safety.

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Date of publishing1:
Country: GSO
Category: Dairy products and analogues, Confectionery, Cereals and cereal products, Bakery Wares, Eggs and egg products, Sweeteners, including honey, Foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses, Beverages, excluding dairy products, Ready-to-eat savouries
Date of publishing1:
Country: Morocco
Category: Dairy products and analogues, Confectionery, Cereals and cereal products, Bakery Wares, Sweeteners, including honey, Beverages, excluding dairy products, Ready-to-eat savouries, Prepared foods