Amendments / Date of Publishing: 02/09/2021
Affected region:
Amendments to all Spices and Condiments Standards
The following amendments have been approved to be added to all spices and condiments standards:
Adding a requirement to the spices and condiments sector that states the following: "The product shall be free of visible molds".
Amending or adding the microbial limits table in Jordanian standards and technical regulations for the spices and condiments sector.

Standard / Date of Publishing: 06/09/2021
Affected region:
New Jordanian Standards
The following Jordanian Standards have been published:
JS 1533:2021 - Health and food safety - Maximum residue limits for veterinary drugs in foods of animal origin
JS 2070:2021 - Spices and condiments - curry powder

Standard / Date of Publishing: 12/09/2021
Affected region:
New GSO Standards (Part 8)
GSO Has Published the following new Technical Regulations:
GSO 2469:2021 Halal foods-Management system requirements for warehousing and related activities
GSO 2613:2021 Emulsifiers-Specifications
GSO 2614:2021 Acids-Specifications
GSO 2615:2021 Nutrients -Specifications
GSO 2616:2021 Packaging gases -Specifications
GSO 2617:2021 Flour treatment agent
GSO 2618:2021 Colour fixative
GSO 2619:2021 Anticaking agent - Specifications
GSO 2620:2021 Stabilizers - Specifications
GSO 2621:2021 Thickeners- Specifications
GSO CODEX STAN 69:2021 Standard for Fresh Frozen Raspberries

Standard / Date of Publishing: 06/09/2021
Affected region:
Palestine: TR 95:2021 - Amending TR 57:2015 for Extraction Solvents used in the Production of Food Items and Ingredients

Standard / Date of Publishing: 12/09/2021
Affected region:
Declaration on the Application of the Technical Regulations