Standard Draft / Date of Publishing: 29/12/2021
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European Commission Launches Public Consultation on the Revision of EU Food Labelling Requirements
On December 13, 2021, the European Commission launched a public consultation period for the upcoming revision to the Food Information to Consumers Regulation. The Commission is seeking views on different proposed changes to front-of-pack nutrition labelling, nutrient profiling criteria to restrict claims, origin labelling, date marking, and alcoholic beverages labelling. Stakeholders have until March 7, 2022, to comment.
This revision concerns:
- Front of pack nutrition labelling and nutrient profiling criteria to restrict claims: a proposal for EU-harmonized and mandatory front-of-pack nutrition labelling and for the setting of ‘nutrient profiling’ criteria, which are thresholds of nutrients above or below which nutrition and health claims on foods are restricted.
- Origin labelling: An extension of mandatory origin indications to certain products such as meat used as an ingredient, milk, milk used as an ingredient, durum wheat for pasta, potatoes, tomato products, and rice.
- Date marking: A revision of the EU rules on date marking (‘use by’ and ‘best before’).
Deadline for Comments: 07/03/2022