Maximum Limits for Salt in Food Products

Rules and Regulations

Date of Publishing: 03/09/2024           Affected Region: KSA 

The SFDA has enacted several legislations aimed at improving the nutritional value of food products and raising the level of awareness of healthy food to promote public healthy eating patterns in society. This is done in cooperation with the relevant authorities, in accordance with international practices. These legislations aims to reduce the amount of salt in packaged food products. This guide is an updated version based on the updated Saudi Standard "Maximum guidelines for salt in food products.

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Date of publishing1:
Country: Kuwait
Category: Dairy products and analogues, Fats and oils, and fat emulsions, Bakery Wares, Meat and meat products, Fish and fish products, Eggs and egg products, Sweeteners, including honey, Foodstuffs intended for particular nutritional uses, Ready-to-eat savouries, Prepared foods